Sunday, November 13, 2011

more sketches


  1. Beautiful. I think you're approaching perfection with A and B (B, with A's pickguard would be my choice).

    Two questions:
    Do you plan to build something like this soon, or are you just having fun drawing?

    Is there an ergonomic justification for the long treble side horn? Not that there has to be; I'm just curious.


  2. Thank you Alex, actually I'm considering having a guitar building workshop next summer and make this very guitar - though the design might change, mostly because it looks too much like a Baron Interceptor by Mick Page, alas... (

    and the long lower horn is just cool - like on a Mosrite...

  3. Re. the similarity with the Tiki. I disagree. Your design doesn't resemble the Tiki more than the Tiki resembles a reverse Rickenbacker. You've got a quite different sharpness and flow to your design.

    There's no excuse: Get building ;-)

  4. thanks, it's true that my inspiration is a.o. Rickenbacker and Mosrite - and Nick Page himself told me that the idea behind the Baron was to fuse a Fender Mustang and a Ricky 620...

    Now I need the money to do the workshop, but I'm working on it!


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