Thursday, March 13, 2014

more sketches

Music of the week: I don't know if it's just me or if this happens to other people too, but sometimes I figure out that I missed some essential bands even at the time when I was the most obsessed with music - including bands that would have been useful for my musical progress, like Birthday Party (I didn't like the Bad Seeds so I didn't care to listen) or Primus (I think that it was the closest music to what me and my friends were trying to do in my first band, I don't understand how I missed them…). Well a few days ago I discovered Bad Brains… Genuine punk played by musicians who could use their instruments, it's just fantastic!

About the Epsilon, Andreas who is building it back in Germany regularly sends me pictures of his work - I'll select and post some here at some point but if you want to see more and more regularly, you can check the photo album on gUitarREN's Facebook page.

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