Monday, April 22, 2013

Mellifluous Pussy

I just received this Mellifluous Pussy fuzz pedal MP-1 by Inductor Guitars for reviewing - just can't wait to plug it and play it loud....

First impression: good looking, seriously made - I have nothing against amateurish looking boutique pedals but I like it better when the outside says that the inside is a pro job too!

Review comes next week!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

more sketches

Music of the week: Embryonic by the Flaming Lips

Thanks to the readers who suggested some details that appear in these sketches - it's really worth having a blog only when you get feedback!

Monday, April 15, 2013


Sorry for not posting much lately, I'm a little bit busy with other projects, but mostly my scanner is dead and I didn't decide yet how to replace it... But I have sketches and also other things to post about in the coming days!