Wednesday, March 13, 2013

more sketches

Music of the week: well, it's actually music of last week... I didn't buy new CDs for a while but thanks to YouTube I discovered the great band that is Circle Takes the Square - another example of what you can do with screams and guitars...

Actually I started a new music project with screams on top of my guitar, that explains why I'm so interested in this kind of stuff lately - and have less time to blog!


  1. Wow! C or D certainly deserve to be built. Plexiglass and aluminium seem to me to be perfect choices for that design. Especially with a dark wood such as walnut or wenge (or mahogany for that matter).

    Do you plan for the plexiglass part to have uniform thickness, or to become thinner towards the edge?

  2. thank you Alex, I think that I was well inspired the day before yesterday - sometimes you think you're dry and all of a sudden a good idea pops up (though I didn't invent the plexiglas / alu / wood combination). I'd love to see one of these guitars built, and I will apply with it to a design contest, the prize is top have it built by a pro luthier...

    and yes, the top wing should be leveled - like on a Breadwinner - for comfort and aerodynamics!

  3. Good luck. I hope you win. There's a lot of details I'd like to see solved by a trained luthier - such as how to connect the plexiglass part to the wood part. I can imagine many ways to approach that issue.
