Saturday, December 15, 2012

more sketches

You may have noticed that this blog isn't as regularly updated as it used to be; sorry for that, but I've had some health issues in the last weeks, the kind that prevents me from practicing the very objects of gUitaREN: drawing guitars, playing guitars, building guitars and pedals. I'm confident that I can resume these activities in the next weeks, because I have like usually many projects, some left unachieved in the middle of the process, and some more that arose from my forced idleness...

Anyway, my music of the month is: the sound of a IRM brain scanner, that has something of Ryoji Ikeda's electronic music and reminded me of his performances with Japanese performance group Dumb Type, of which I've been an avid follower back in the 1990s when they where regularly performing in Europe. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012