Friday, January 14, 2011

more sketches

Have another project to add to my long list, but like the Doppelcaster, something concrete and not overly difficult to do - it requires just a little bit of money...

After the Doppelcaster I have some leftover gear that allows me to make another telecaster, I always loved the idea of the Ikea Butcher Block Tele created by Zachary, and I discovered recently that Rockinger proposes sitar bridge saddles for teles, so I was almost ready to make a Butcher Block Sitarcaster, but something didn't work: I don't see the point of just copying a tele since I'm mostly interested in guitar design. So I've been playing for a while with tele variations, unsuccessfully until I finally found what I want to do, it's the model H above.

I found this idea of the double lower horn a while ago and it didn't feel promising until now - I'm very slow in my process but it's not a waste of time after all!

more later...

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