Thursday, July 23, 2009

more sketches, with color variations


I was wondering about my favorite guitar finishes so I made some color variations on a design from a few months ago... You can see that I have quite classic tastes: black and metal, white and black, natural wood and transparent cherry with black or metal pickguard, and - how fancy me! - orange and black... I think that when you have this, you don't really need more...
(clicking on the small pic allows you to access a bigger version)


  1. ach, with the kind of shapes I like, seafoam green would make my guitars labeled 'surf' - but maybe I could consider Lucite...

  2. I would go with natural, I love Guitars where you can see the structure of the wood, but only if it is nice and real wood - lol. Love that Nature Feel combined with music. Just my opinion
