Wednesday, May 6, 2009

OK, serious stuff now

So I've been postponing the making of my guitar projects probably also because, well, I just have to start from zero... Drawing and designing I can do easily but about guitar technics, the further I've been so far is restringing - and not as often as I should I must confess... But I want these guitars made, and more later if it works, so I decided to give myself a good teaching by getting a Telecaster kit from DIY Guitar Shop and observe carefully all the elements apart (I did it 6 months ago when I customized my Aquarius but I learned much since and also the Tele is simpler - and I have a user's manual together with it!) and assemble and disassemble until I'm filled with guitar sapience (I should end up doing it blindfolded as real men do with guns in movies).

Also I will test this transparent mate black finish I want for my serious projects (didn't find the right product yet), design and make a headstock (it's already in the previous post), make an aluminium scratchplate and instal a Bigsby clone (a real one would be more expensive than the guitar itself). All this should happen in the coming days - wish me luck.

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