Tuesday, July 28, 2015

more sketches

Friday, July 17, 2015

Custom 77 loaded pickguards

A few months ago I posted about the fall of French guitar company Custom 77,  who decided to end their business when they realised that they couldn't manage their own success without the support of any bank... As I hoped, they keep making guitars under a new form with a successful crowd funding, but they still have to sell-off their old gear stock as they move from their shop. 

So I acquired two loaded pickguards at the fifth of their values, with custom P-90s, and just received them. I didn't make a new guitar since I moved to Vienna and lost my atelier in Berlin (and I didn't keep you posted about the last project, will do that soon) but I start to have new ideas about how to build guitars without a dedicated work place and machines...

Monday, July 6, 2015

pedal board and canned peaches

This is another version of the pedal board I use for one of my current projects - with just guitar and voice. I'm quite happy with the strange synth sounds I get by combining the auto-wah and the reverse delay (as you can hear in the video down there), or the Blue Box and the Carbon Copy... I still have to get my Sovtek Big Muff fixed, or acquire a new fuzz - hopefully a Devi Ever FX Soda Meiser, until then I'm good with the Boss... 

In that case I don't use the looper for music but I always include it to make the sound check - when I play in a café or a small theatre I can just loop a few notes and go into the room to listen then adjust my amp - it makes my life much easier... 

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